How is the decompiler distributed ?
The sources and the binaries are distributed separately. Both of them are distributed as gzipped-tar files.How do I install the decompiler ?
Download the decompiler binaries, distributed as a gzipped-tar file. Unpack it to a directory and set the environment variable JREVERSE_HOME point to the directory. Add JREVERSE_HOME/bin to PATH environment variable.How do I run my decompiler ?
$ jrevpro -gTo launch the decompiler as a Swing-based application.
$ jrevpro -uTo launch the decompiler as an AWT application.
How do I use the command-line version ?
To Decompile a class file -jrevpro -dcTo Disassemble a class file -[ ]
jrevpro -daTo view the ConstantPool of the class file -[ ]
jrevpro -vpInteractive session. Type 'help' to get started.
jrevpro -i
Do I need any special tool to build the decompiler ?
The project uses a platform-independent XML file (build.xml) as its Makefile. So you need the ANT utility available at to compile the project.How do I submit bugs/modifications ?
You can help to make the software better by submitting bugs as soon as you encounter them.Please use the bug submission method in the project web site by visiting here.